Hello there!
Welcome to my blog, where I share my passion and experience with pet fishes.
When it comes to pets, there are two types of people – those that love the furry babies and others who love the fishes. Aquariums and pet fishes, in general, have always been a source of fascination for me, even as a kid.
The exquisite patterns of their scales, the ease, and effortlessness of their movements, their playful nature… Ah! I could go on about these aquatic beauties. Besides, taking care of my pet fish and watching them is immensely calming on the nerves too.
Fun fact – According to one research, watching and interacting with fishes in an aquarium has a positive outcome on our well-being.
I have had fish as pets or have always been in an environment where someone around me had a pet fish. Come to think of it, I can’t actually count the number of fishes I have had as pets over the years.
Of course, Charlie and Bubbles were my first pair of goldfishes, and they have a special place in my heart forever.
My love affair with pet fishes and aquariums started as a hobby when I was a kid. But I realized that it had become a passion for life. At the risk of blowing my own trumpet, I have gathered a lot of invaluable knowledge about the different types of aquarium fishes, how to take care of them, and many more.
Therefore, I decided to start this blog, Fishey Business, for fish and aquarium lovers and enthusiasts – a place where we can share our love for these marine creatures.
On my pet fish blog, I share everything that is fish-related. So expect a lot of talks about fish behavior, their diet, and how to take care of them. Besides, you will also find informational posts about the different species of fish as well.
Disclaimer – I am not a vet, nor am I qualified to give expert advice about pet fishes and aquariums. All fish information on this blog is purely my own opinions and a result of my experiences.
Therefore, I recommend you not to take my advice on pet fishes or anything pet-related as the ultimate. Read my posts and advice with a grain of salt, if you would.
Nevertheless, you can expect a lot of fun stories and my experience with aquariums and fishes on this blog.